
Showing posts from December, 2019

Ylana Maya - Freedom

The soft embrace of freedom is all I really need, The freedom to be, the freedom to see, the freedom to become, Why hold ourselves down by mass expectations? Why do we cage ourselves in boxes of our own creation? Why do we make our life purpose revolve around riches? Why do we fail to listen to our own inner guidance? True freedom, I believe, lies in freedom of thought. It lies in seeing the world as it is and accepting it for what it is, It lies in realising our happiness is not dependent on our status in this world, but on how we value ourselves and how we choose to experience life as an extension of that personal value. I consider that many people desire complete financial freedom, I understand the energetic influence of paper assigned with value, and digits on a screen, I see what money can buy you, but I also see that which is priceless, that which you can not put money on, can be what is most valuable. The world would be nothing to me, If I were to close the doo...

Wallflower Watching

I am a wallflower, Here I sit, Watching the world through this walls slit, I see all and yet not many see me, I watch what is real, And I never resist to be, For being a wallflower is a duty unto itself, Something left unwatched, may cease to be… and a wallflower such as me, may cease to watch, If someone were to deny the truth of the observed, All my claims could become absurd. I would be ripped from the wall of which I grow And I would be no more. Until upon another wall I grow, to observe the world once more.