Ylana Maya - Day 1

Day 1

Take us through a written walk down your street and to your favorite place through the eyes of somebody else.

starting from the train station
down the ramp, across the road,
up the path, bench to left, another ramp to train station on the left hand side, bushes at the right hand side next to the path, further up the path, traffic lights, cross the road, over the windy bridge, into town, turn right walk along the one way road, to my left across the road is a shop that sells stoves, a café, a shop which sells holidays but never seems to be open, turning left, to the left bernados, to the right a nice little area to sit down, 3 benches in a curved area surrounded by scenic bushes and trees strategically placed in half an arc, up the road I walk, past an empty shop with a smashed front window, it has been like that for years, to the left a tunnel towards the town market. forward I plunder past some optician, mannequins with glasses all staring ominously out of the window at me as if I was an alien to the village, a phone shop, Iceland, B&M, across the road the church to my left, the benches, the 3 old men who are always there, the bank, the people across the road outside burtons, some more shops, sacred spirits, next to the tunnel next to the chips shop. the smell of chips and incense.

How do I start...

somebody else...

I got off the train at 9:52am... my first thought on this town, the college across from the train station looks a bit small... the chavs sat 2 seats up to me sound common as mud and the sky is shrouded by a blanket of greyness.
I get off the train as fast as I possibly can in order to get away from the young train mobsters of which I have had to share my entire journey with. I gratefully plunder down the ramp off from the train station down to a main road, in between two roundabouts. I could see from the train that if I were to turn left, under the bridge, I'd be taken to the carpark, the ridiculously small educational centre and then further up past the 2nd roundabout looked to be mostly residential. To the right there is a pebble dashed pavement lying past a basic metal fence. So I cross the road the second the traffic lessens. On the other side of the road there is a larger walkway, two benches to my left, metal and painted green, one supporting the arse of a begrudging teenager whinging incessantly at his mother about some random family affairs' of which I had no interest of listening into. To my right, the path is framed with random foliage, it looks as if this foliage has been freshly tendered.
I walk forward a little further, coming to a stop at a pedestrian crossing. The path I am on can either be followed to the left or I can choose to cross.
In front of me on the other side of the road there is a bridge which curves around to go over the main road, the 3rd exit off the roundabout. On either side of the bridge blossom trees bloom... suddenly this town feels a lot more inviting. At the very least, they appreciate nature. When the green man lit up and the car to my right came to a halt, I started across the road with a little tabby cat at my side... it appears cats learn road safety nowadays.
This is where me and the beautiful tabby took separate paths, I took the bridge, the tabby just ran along down a narrow path behind the swimming pool. I was immediately impressed after realising this town had a swimming pool. I got to the top of the bridge and took in the surrounding view. The cars driving beneath, the surrounding bushes and trees; the church spire off in the distance, the many little old tavern style houses and shops, the bus station on the opposite side of where I had just got off the train. I stand at this spot and take a deep breath. I notice that it appears this town is in a little bowl, many mountains surround the town like castle towers. For a moment time just stops.

Right so I'm not the happiest with this, it has been a very difficult day I have had lots to do and so was not able to spend as long as I wanted to on day 1. The important thing for me is that I managed to get something down.


Here again tomorrow! :)

Thank you for joining me on this journey!
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